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Manufactured Housing Industry Trends


Updated: Mar 20, 2022

Published by Patrick Revere of MHInsider

Full Article here.

A new manufactured home with features and amenities that fit into nearly any single-family residential setting.

What’s The State of the Manufactured Housing Industry?

This post highlights some of the top-line trends in the manufactured housing industry. Manufactured homes continue to be a crucial solution to the affordable housing crisis. Judging by the numbers, the future is promising.

Competitive Advantage

What is the cost per square foot comparison between manufactured and site-built homes?

The average cost per square foot of a site-built home is $119. The average cost per square foot for a manufactured home is $57.

A resident at Garden West Estates in Gardena, Calif., wears a mask while walking her dog. Photo courtesy of Newport Pacific.

Community Living

How many manufactured homes are there, and how many go to communities?

There are an estimated 4.3 million manufactured home sites in the United States. Approximately 31% of new manufactured homes are placed in a community.

How Many People Live in Manufactured and mobile homes?

Manufactured housing industry trends and statistics show 22 million people in the U.S. live in a manufactured or mobile home. Manufactured homes make up 9% of annual new home starts. About 76% of new manufactured homes are titled as personal property (chattel).

Resident Satisfaction

How much do residents and owners of manufactured homes appreciate their decision?

A recent study reveals 90% of people are satisfied with their mobile or manufactured home. Seventy-one percent of residents cite affordability as the key driver for choosing manufactured housing. About 62% of manufactured and mobile home residents anticipate living in their home for another 10 years, and 38% don’t ever anticipate selling their home.

-Data provided by the Manufactured Housing Institute

Take a look at the full manufactured housing industry data infographic published in our July/August 2020 State of the Industry edition of The MHInsider magazine.



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